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Or Shalom Jewish Community offers a diversity of online and in-person classes and discussion groups, exploring Jewish texts and traditions, contemporary issues, and more through writing, discussion, prayer, and study. Email the office at with any questions about getting involved!

The Lay Leader Empowerment Institute

Is intended to empower Or Shalom and potential lay leaders to feel more confident not only engaging in Jewish practice, but facilitating it. We will bring in educators with different specialties to help round out our community’s learning. 

The School of Jewish-Living Arts (SJLA)

Offers hands-on, fun classes that are open to members & non-members, adults and those younger than adults.

Affinity Groups

Considering God Salon (Quarterly) For over 12 years, member-led discussions intimately explore our range of views about God, including secularism/atheism, spirituality, meaningful prayer, language and metaphor, the role of women in Judaism, beliefs about the “soul,” Jewish heretics, death, and more. Our Salons deepen our connection to Judaism and to each other. Co-chairs are Betsy Strausberg and Robin Roth.

Book Group Our Book Group meets monthly over dinner to discuss books of Jewish interest.

Nosh & Learn (Monthly) A project of the Southside Jewish Collaborative (3 collaborating synagogues: Am Tikvah, Or Shalom, and Ner Tamid), 3rd Thursday of every month, designed for people with flexible schedules who would like to come to the synagogue for a bite to eat, learn, and volunteer.

Thursday Torah Study Zoominyan (Every Thursday at 10:00 am) Our weekly Zoomminyan is a place for anyone interested in studying Torah to pray, share gratitude, and examine the weekly Parsha in an open, warm, and encouraging online community. We welcome all levels of knowledge and people of all ages and backgrounds. This weekly Torah Study is lay-led and includes the Healing prayer and Mourner's Kaddish.  Join us every Thursday morning at 10:00 am via this Zoom link (Passcode: THURSDAY). You can find our online siddur by clicking here.

Kvetch and Kvell (2nd/4th Mondays, 4:00 pm) Or Shalom’s Kvetch and Kvell is a craft and chat group that meets on Zoom. Participants bring some kind of hand work, such as quilting, knitting, sewing, costume design, mending, collage, etc and we spend an hour working on our projects and chatting. It is a very welcoming group and aims to provide a pleasant, easy atmosphere where people can get to know each other.  The name Kvetch and Kvell was intended to imply that anyone is welcome to share troubles and frustrations, or to share positives from their and their families’ lives (i.e. bragging about children or grandchildren or friends). Join via this Zoom link (Passcode: KVETCH)

News Minyan (Semi-Annually) What have we taken in from the world in the last week? What has left an impression? What are we wrestling with? Structure, silence, and focused listening allow words to have weight. News Minyan discussions utilize the wisdom of Jewish texts to review contemporary issues and events.

Mahjong and Munchies (3rd Wednesdays at 7:00 pm) Play Mahjong and enjoy some snacks at our home in Bernal Heights! Check out our calendar to register.

Chavurah (for members only)


Wise Women Aging (70+)

2nd Generation Holocaust Survivors/Refugees

Residents of Pacifica

Empty Nesters

Upcoming Classes

All Events
  • Wednesday ,
    MarMarch  26 , 2025
    Reconstructing Israel with R' Faryn
    Wednesday, Mar 26th 7:00p to 8:30p
    Reconstructionism is not a set theology or doctrine, but, rather, a historical and analytical lens, an ongoing process, and an embodied practice. Therefore, we will apply this lens, process and practice (better known as “Reconstructing”) to the concept of “Israel.” Is “Israel” a person? A people? A place? A nation-state? A state of mind? In this series, we will perform a historical survey of the different ways the concept of “Israel” has been understood and reconstructed throughout Jewish time, helping us to get a broad understanding of what the word “Israel” means. Then, from this historical and contextual grounding, we will begin to explore what “Israel” could be. How is “Israel” being reconstructed in our time? How could it be reconstructed? And how might we be a part of that reconstruction? Accessibility Information - There are no stairs to enter this space. *This series is rescheduled from the Spring of 2024. It was designed in relationship to the prior series Reconstructing God and Reconstructing Prayer, but there is no prerequisite to join this class.


  • Wednesday ,
    AprApril  2 , 2025
    Reconstructing Israel with R' Faryn
    Wednesday, Apr 2nd 7:00p to 8:30p
    Reconstructionism is not a set theology or doctrine, but, rather, a historical and analytical lens, an ongoing process, and an embodied practice. Therefore, we will apply this lens, process and practice (better known as “Reconstructing”) to the concept of “Israel.” Is “Israel” a person? A people? A place? A nation-state? A state of mind? In this series, we will perform a historical survey of the different ways the concept of “Israel” has been understood and reconstructed throughout Jewish time, helping us to get a broad understanding of what the word “Israel” means. Then, from this historical and contextual grounding, we will begin to explore what “Israel” could be. How is “Israel” being reconstructed in our time? How could it be reconstructed? And how might we be a part of that reconstruction? Accessibility Information - There are no stairs to enter this space. *This series is rescheduled from the Spring of 2024. It was designed in relationship to the prior series Reconstructing God and Reconstructing Prayer, but there is no prerequisite to join this class.


  • Thursday ,
    AprApril  3 , 2025
    Considering God Salon
    Thursday, Apr 3rd 7:00p to 8:30p
    As we approach Passover, the Jewish foundational story of Exodus and themes of enslavement and liberation have been engrained in our thinking. In reflecting on this today, what questions and thoughts come up for you now? How do you bring this into your seder? Come and share your ideas and seder practices, rituals, prayers, songs etc. Please register so we know you are coming!


  • Sunday ,
    AprApril  6 , 2025
    Wise Women Aging Havurah
    Sunday, Apr 6th 2:00p to 4:00p
    This class is full and is closed to new registrants at this time.


  • Wednesday ,
    AprApril  9 , 2025
    Reconstructing Israel with R' Faryn
    Wednesday, Apr 9th 7:00p to 8:30p
    Reconstructionism is not a set theology or doctrine, but, rather, a historical and analytical lens, an ongoing process, and an embodied practice. Therefore, we will apply this lens, process and practice (better known as “Reconstructing”) to the concept of “Israel.” Is “Israel” a person? A people? A place? A nation-state? A state of mind? In this series, we will perform a historical survey of the different ways the concept of “Israel” has been understood and reconstructed throughout Jewish time, helping us to get a broad understanding of what the word “Israel” means. Then, from this historical and contextual grounding, we will begin to explore what “Israel” could be. How is “Israel” being reconstructed in our time? How could it be reconstructed? And how might we be a part of that reconstruction? Accessibility Information - There are no stairs to enter this space. *This series is rescheduled from the Spring of 2024. It was designed in relationship to the prior series Reconstructing God and Reconstructing Prayer, but there is no prerequisite to join this class.


  • Wednesday ,
    AprApril  16 , 2025
    Reconstructing Israel with R' Faryn
    Wednesday, Apr 16th 7:00p to 8:30p
    Reconstructionism is not a set theology or doctrine, but, rather, a historical and analytical lens, an ongoing process, and an embodied practice. Therefore, we will apply this lens, process and practice (better known as “Reconstructing”) to the concept of “Israel.” Is “Israel” a person? A people? A place? A nation-state? A state of mind? In this series, we will perform a historical survey of the different ways the concept of “Israel” has been understood and reconstructed throughout Jewish time, helping us to get a broad understanding of what the word “Israel” means. Then, from this historical and contextual grounding, we will begin to explore what “Israel” could be. How is “Israel” being reconstructed in our time? How could it be reconstructed? And how might we be a part of that reconstruction? Accessibility Information - There are no stairs to enter this space. *This series is rescheduled from the Spring of 2024. It was designed in relationship to the prior series Reconstructing God and Reconstructing Prayer, but there is no prerequisite to join this class.


  • Wednesday ,
    AprApril  30 , 2025
    Reconstructing Israel with R' Faryn
    Wednesday, Apr 30th 7:00p to 8:30p
    Reconstructionism is not a set theology or doctrine, but, rather, a historical and analytical lens, an ongoing process, and an embodied practice. Therefore, we will apply this lens, process and practice (better known as “Reconstructing”) to the concept of “Israel.” Is “Israel” a person? A people? A place? A nation-state? A state of mind? In this series, we will perform a historical survey of the different ways the concept of “Israel” has been understood and reconstructed throughout Jewish time, helping us to get a broad understanding of what the word “Israel” means. Then, from this historical and contextual grounding, we will begin to explore what “Israel” could be. How is “Israel” being reconstructed in our time? How could it be reconstructed? And how might we be a part of that reconstruction? Accessibility Information - There are no stairs to enter this space. *This series is rescheduled from the Spring of 2024. It was designed in relationship to the prior series Reconstructing God and Reconstructing Prayer, but there is no prerequisite to join this class.


  • Sunday ,
    MayMay  4 , 2025
    Wise Women Aging Havurah
    Sunday, May 4th 2:00p to 4:00p
    This class is full and is closed to new registrants at this time.


  • Wednesday ,
    MayMay  7 , 2025
    Reconstructing Israel with R' Faryn
    Wednesday, May 7th 7:00p to 8:30p
    Reconstructionism is not a set theology or doctrine, but, rather, a historical and analytical lens, an ongoing process, and an embodied practice. Therefore, we will apply this lens, process and practice (better known as “Reconstructing”) to the concept of “Israel.” Is “Israel” a person? A people? A place? A nation-state? A state of mind? In this series, we will perform a historical survey of the different ways the concept of “Israel” has been understood and reconstructed throughout Jewish time, helping us to get a broad understanding of what the word “Israel” means. Then, from this historical and contextual grounding, we will begin to explore what “Israel” could be. How is “Israel” being reconstructed in our time? How could it be reconstructed? And how might we be a part of that reconstruction? Accessibility Information - There are no stairs to enter this space. *This series is rescheduled from the Spring of 2024. It was designed in relationship to the prior series Reconstructing God and Reconstructing Prayer, but there is no prerequisite to join this class.


  • Wednesday ,
    MayMay  14 , 2025
    Reconstructing Israel with R' Faryn
    Wednesday, May 14th 7:00p to 8:30p
    Reconstructionism is not a set theology or doctrine, but, rather, a historical and analytical lens, an ongoing process, and an embodied practice. Therefore, we will apply this lens, process and practice (better known as “Reconstructing”) to the concept of “Israel.” Is “Israel” a person? A people? A place? A nation-state? A state of mind? In this series, we will perform a historical survey of the different ways the concept of “Israel” has been understood and reconstructed throughout Jewish time, helping us to get a broad understanding of what the word “Israel” means. Then, from this historical and contextual grounding, we will begin to explore what “Israel” could be. How is “Israel” being reconstructed in our time? How could it be reconstructed? And how might we be a part of that reconstruction? Accessibility Information - There are no stairs to enter this space. *This series is rescheduled from the Spring of 2024. It was designed in relationship to the prior series Reconstructing God and Reconstructing Prayer, but there is no prerequisite to join this class.



Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785