Welcoming the Immigrant: Jewish Ethics in the Face of Rising Nationalism: An Annual Rosenzweig-Apelbaum Ethics Lecture, by Rabbi Armin Langer, Ph.D
Sunday, February 23, 2025 • 25 Shevat 5785
10:00 AM - 12:00 PMFisher Hall, SFJCC, 3200 California St.Join Or Shalom Jewish Community, at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center's Fisher Hall, for a compelling lecture by Rabbi Armin, in which he will explore the Jewish concept of the "resident alien" (ger) and how this legal category could inform and be in conversation with contemporary migration discourse.
Kosher buffet brunch provided starting at 10:00 am, prior to the lecture starting at 10:30 am.
About Rabbi Armin Langer
A dynamic academic and educator, currently Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Florida,
with expertise in teaching, research, and project coordination. The author of over 40 publications in
peer-reviewed journals such as German Studies Review (A&HCI), Globalization and Health (SSCI), and
Popular Music and Society (A&HCI), as well as edited volumes by presses like Brill, De Gruyter, and
Routledge, his interdisciplinary work focuses on populism, migration, and identity politics. He has
developed and taught courses like "Hip Hop and Minorities," "Religion in the Public Sphere," and
"Migration and Art," and has lectured internationally, from Canada to Brazil, the UK to Egypt and
beyond. An active public intellectual, he contributes to outlets such as The Conversation and DER
SPIEGEL, fostering international collaboration, research excellence, and experiential learning.
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