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24-25 Membership Renewal

This past year has been eventful for Or Shalom, and we’re truly grateful for your presence and participation. 

In the last year Or Shalom has welcomed Rabbi Faryn, secured the conditional use permit that allows us to move toward full use of our building on Cortland Street, and provided exciting educational and social programming for all ages. We have held deeply meaningful services and events from the High Holy Days through Purim and Pesach, along with joyful musical Shabbat services at the Noe Valley Ministry, convivial traveling Shabbats in members’ homes,  and intimate Saturday morning Torah services on Cortland Street, along with Zoom Shabbats and heartwarming b’Mitzvah services. Our community has grown by approximately 23 new member households. While the months since October have often been painful, our community has held fast to our traditions of inclusion and commitment to open dialogue, which will continue to carry us forward through whatever the future brings.

As you know, Or Shalom relies on member financial commitments for the largest share of our budget, and this year we need you more than ever. We greatly value the diversity within our community, including the wide range of financial capacity. Members contribute at all levels from $18 to $12,000 annually, and we are equally grateful for everyone’s contributions. You know your financial situation better than anyone else, so we invite you to determine a level of support that is both meaningful and manageable for you in the upcoming fiscal year (July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025).

To help you decide, here is a snapshot of the numbers:

Sustaining Membership, meaning our operating costs divided by the number of member households, amounts to $3,600 a year or $300 a month. For membership to be accessible for people with fewer financial resources, we need 40% of our households to contribute at or above $3,600 a year, including 5% in the highest tier and 15% in the second highest tier.

Tier 1: $8,000-$13,000/year
Tier 2: $5,000-$8,000/year
Tier 3: $2,000-$5,000/year
Tier 4: $600-$2,000/year
Tier 5: $18-$600/year

As you're thinking about where you fall on this scale, please thoughtfully consider your assets and resources. To help you think holistically about what is right for your household, click here to access our self-assessment tool.

We invite you to increase your commitment this year by 5%, 10% or more if your resources permit. Remember that you can set up recurring monthly payments to make it more comfortable to be generous.

Your contribution makes it possible for this community to exist for all of us when we need it most.

Thank you for everything you have already contributed to Or Shalom. Please be as generous as you can, as Or Shalom continues to grow in both membership and impact.

Click here to review our self-assessment tool. Annual payments can be split into as many as 12 payments/year.
Applicable transaction fees are automatically applied on the payment page.

Upon clicking the PROCEED TO PAYMENT PAGE button below, you will be directed to a payment confirmation page and charges for your financial commitment will be added to your account.  

If paying by check, simply click the 'bill my account' button. Keep payment terms on "pay once now' and send in your payment(s).

If paying by credit card, you will be prompted to complete the transaction in a single sum or recurring charges to be completed by June 30, 2025. Payment instructions will be on the payment page.

If paying by stock transfer, charitable giving fund, or IRA distribution, simply click the 'bill my account' button on the payment page.

Please contact the office ( if you have any questions about the financial commitment.

We are here to support all of our members. Please reach out to Rabbi Faryn ( if you need support.

Thank you for being part of the Or Shalom community!

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785