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Give Mishloach Manot!


Or Shalom - Purim is on its way!

On Purim, there are only four things asked of us, and two of these four are to give gifts! So what better way to celebrate than by sharing gifts with fellow community members? We’re thrilled to invite you to take part in Or Shalom’s Mishloach Manot Spring Fundraiser - a meaningful and fun way to let your fellow Or Shalomers know you’re thinking of them while supporting our vibrant community.

This annual tradition not only strengthens our bonds but also helps sustain Or Shalom’s staffing, facilities, programming and initiatives. Plus, we have a special Mystery Gift in store for you - we can’t wait to share it!

Thank you for being part of this beautiful mitzvah. Your participation ensures that Or Shalom continues to thrive as a warm, welcoming, and connected community.

New Date - Please submit this form by 11:59 pm Monday, March 10 2025.

Choose the total number of Mishloach Manot you would like to send.  Each household you choose is $18. If sending more than 30, please submit a second form. You can also choose your own donation amount in multiples of $18 without honoring specific households here.
For a list of all households, click on Or Shalom Member Directory. This will open a new window. (You need to be logged into your account to view the directory.)

By choosing Mordechai's Helpers ($1000), Esther's Circle ($2000), or The Whole Megillah ($4000), your name will be listed on every gift!  It's a great way to show support for your fellow members and Or Shalom. 

If you are interested in higher levels of giving, please contact the office.

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785