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A Message from Board President Matt Rudoff

10/19/2023 01:28:53 PM


Matt Rudoff

The Or Shalom Jewish Community Board of Directors has voted to have Or Shalom sign on to the Synagogues Rising letter to President Biden and Congress, calling for a diplomatic resolution to the situation in Gaza. This letter reads:

“We are grieving the horrific, violent and terrifying attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians. A grief of this magnitude can unleash a powerful drive for revenge. Our Jewish values ask us to open our hearts and reach for our shared humanity. Jewish tradition insists that every single human being is sacred, with inherent dignity and worth. We ask that you not weaponize our grief to support the killing of Palestinian civilians. More than 2 million people in Gaza have been cut off from food, water, gas, and electricity. Israel has told 1.1 million Gaza civilians they have 24 hours to leave, but they have nowhere to go and no way to get there. Further harm to Palestinian civilians will not bring back the dead nor will it make Israelis safer. We urge our government to use its influence to de-escalate and interrupt this cycle of violence, negotiate the safe return of hostages, and protect the lives of all Israeli and Palestinian civilians.”

We were called upon as a community to respond. We believe that signing on to this letter is an urgent moral imperative in response to a humanitarian crisis. 

If you would like to sign on to the Synagogues Rising letter for individuals, you can do so by clicking here.

Matt Rudoff
President, Or Shalom Board of Directors

Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785