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They didn't know we were seeds: D'var Torah on Parshat Shemot (1/17/2025)

01/21/2025 10:45:26 AM


Rabbi Faryn Borella

I don’t know about you all, but I find myself entering this extended weekend as if entering an apocalyptic fever dream. By apocalyptic, I mean in all senses of the word, on its spectrum from end times to mass redemption. And by fever dream, I mean in the sense of the real and the surreal blending in such a way that it is hard to know which way is up.

 We find ourselves on the precipice of a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas...Read more...

Hanukkah Hebrew Challenge

12/01/2024 05:42:55 AM


by Rabbi Me'irah

Hanukkah Hebrew Challenge

Here’s how it works: 

The Goal Over the seven weeks until Hanukkah, you will learn: The symbols and the names of 10 Hebrew letters Four Hebrew words How to play dreidel The phrase that those four letters stand for that connects the dreidel to Hanukkah

AND, if you pass the test, win a prize!

Contest Rules

You can be any age.


Lech Lecha Drash

11/20/2024 04:25:01 PM


Deborah Frangquist

Lech Lecha – drash for Or Shalom Jewish Community Zoom Kabbalat Shabbat, Friday November 8, 2024, 8 Cheshvan, 5785. 

By Deborah Gavrin Frangquist

At last Sunday’s Open Floor dance in Sausalito, our teacher was Andrea Juhan, one of our wise senior teachers. As we began to fill the gym floor, I kept thinking, “What a gathering of the clan!” There were numerous teachers there to dance, including one of my very first...Read more...

A Time for Grief and a Time for hope

11/07/2024 08:34:49 AM


by Rabbi Faryn

Dear Or Shalom Community,

I write to you from a total daze.

I spent the last five days as an independent citizen, door-knocking in Chester County, Pennsylvania with Seed the Vote and UNITE HERE, within a smaller pod of organizers in my network, to get out the vote for democracy and justice in this historic election.

There were moments throughout my...

"Softening into Discomfort": A D'var Torah for Kol Nidre

10/28/2024 09:54:38 AM


by Rabbi Faryn

Kol Nidre 5785, October 11, 2024


Watch Rabbi Faryn's D'var Torah here: Read along with Rabbi Faryn's D'var Torah here:

I realized many years ago that I struggle to look people directly in the eyes.

“But it's so intimate,” I was told. That intimacy, under the right circumstances, should be desirable. Or, at least feel safe.

But it didn’t feel safe. It was enticing–alluring, even–yet also...Read more...

"Choose Life:" A D'var Torah for Erev Rosh Hashanah

10/21/2024 11:34:54 AM


by Rabbi Faryn Borella

Erev Rosh Hashanah 5785, October 2, 2024


Watch Rabbi Faryn's D'var Torah here:

Read along with Rabbi Faryn's D'var Torah here:

Some things I did to avoid writing my High Holy Days Drashot this year while telling myself I was “seeking inspiration” because when I tried to force myself to sit down and write them, I felt as if my soul was clawing at the inside of my...Read more...

Rabbi Faryn's Installation D'var Torah

09/11/2024 01:14:45 PM


by Rabbi Faryn Borella

When I first began my tenure at Or Shalom, I learned that we are the same age.

Both birthed into this world in 1991, there feels to be something truly serendipitous in the way we’ve grown into one another.

For this means that while Or Shalom was in its incubation in Betsy Strausberg’s living room, I, too, was incubating inside of my mother, who is here tonight. When Or Shalom was sorting out...Read more...

Pastoral Emergency Contact

08/15/2024 12:34:34 PM


To get in touch with Rabbi Me'irah for any pastoral emergency please call 757-645-2507

Drash for Shabbat Mevarchim HaChodesh Av

08/05/2024 02:02:11 PM


Rabbi Faryn Borella

I stand at a podium in the center of a pop-up tent. People are all around me, sitting on the hot Philadelphia pavement, masks on, eyes downcast. It is Tisha B’Av, 2021, a day to commemorate a destruction thousands of years old, that blurs time to commemorate the interconnectedness of all destructions throughout all times, in a time of its own destruction. I sing:

אֵיכָ֣ה ׀ יָשְׁבָ֣ה בָדָ֗ד הָעִיר֙...

Insurrection & Dissent

07/08/2024 03:50:19 PM


Rabbi Faryn Borella

Rabbi Faryn's Drash on Korach 5784 given at Shabbat Services, Friday, July 5th.

It is January 6, 2021. I am in the car, on the last leg of my cross-country road-trip to Washington DC, where I will be quarantining at my grandmother’s apartment for a week to ensure I do not have covid before moving into a new home.

Originally, I had planned to arrive in DC that evening–January 6th– but delayed for a day due to a logistical...Read more...

Class: Leading a Service

06/26/2024 10:37:34 AM


Rabbi Me'irah Iliinsky

Being able to lead the congregation in prayer, believe it or not, is one of the requirements of becoming b’nai mitzvah. In our liberal Jewish communities, we modify this to a few key points in the service: Barchu, Shema, removing Torah from the ark, perhaps kaddish, etc. When we can lead the congregation in prayer, we can support our rabbis, and be an important leader in a congregation. We can also offer this mitzvah at assisted living...Read more...

All About Trop (Torah Reading)

05/29/2024 10:43:20 AM


Rabbi Me'irah Illinsky

Continued from newsletter:

I will be giving a general informational workshop All About Trop (Torah Reading) at the Or Shalom Retreat.
This will not be a teaching of “how to,” but rather we will explore various aspects of Torah chanting and its history: some melodies from our Ashkenazi tradition and which specific punctuation they signify: periods, exclamation marks, semi-colons. We will read a first hand account of the moment...Read more...

New Havurah: Women’s Wise Aging 

05/22/2024 09:17:21 AM


Rabbi Me'irah Iliinsky

Crossing the boundary of 70 years makes one pause. Rabbi Me’irah will lead a monthly women’s group to consider, reflect, nourish our spirits as we slowly walk through this later chapter in our lives. It will not be your typical support group, but rather, one making space to care for our souls, for noticing and savoring, based on the book, Wise Aging, by Rabbi Rachel Cowan & Dr. Linda Thal. We will use various exercises such as...Read more...

Thank You Blessing

05/15/2024 03:34:07 PM


Rabbi Me'irah Iliinsky

Did you know that in our tradition, saying a ‘thank you’ blessing AFTER you eat a meal is even MORE important than saying one before eating? Can you guess why?

Answer: When you’re hungry, of course you are grateful for the food placed in front of you! Ah, but when you are satisfied, and your tummy is full, then, your thanks is even more meaningful…We, of a certain financial grounding, in a country with a lot of freedom; we...Read more...

The Jewish Art of re-telling the story of the miracle of Passover

04/25/2024 09:39:40 AM


Rabbi Me'irah Iliinsky

How fortunate we are to have 8 days in which to immerse ourselves in the recounting of the miraculous unfolding of the Passover story. It was an event that so blew our ancestors’ minds, that it galvanized a people, and made them determined that the story would not be lost to future generations. And we can participate in a seder every night! Scroll down for a video of an art-filled, musical Pesach seder.

While most folks will...

The Jewish-Living Art of Dying

04/11/2024 11:11:10 AM


Our visiting scholar, Rabbi David Teutsch helped us to begin the difficult conversation about what is important, Jewishly speaking, in how we die. My story at our “We Are All Storytellers” event April 6 was how my mother taught our family to die.

Many of you were not able to attend the most recent, wonderful Story-Telling event; but lucky for you, my friend Kenny Yun made a video of my contribution. If it moves you,...Read more...

For everything there is a Season...

04/04/2024 09:24:24 AM


Rabbi Me'irah Iliinsky

For everything there is a Season, and a time & purpose for everything under Heaven. Kohelet/Ecclesiastes 3:1

In response to the recent death in our community of Reisel Berger, I have been rereading some texts on comforting mourners. This teaching stood out for me: “Do not comfort a mourner when their dead lay before them.” (Pirke Avot 4:18)

What could this possibly mean?

In our tradition, the period from...

Emergency food program for immigrant families

03/28/2024 09:49:48 AM


In response to the increasing demands for food on the part of immigrant families in our Sanctuary City, we now have a collection box for food items at our Cortland site. These will be taken to the Faith in Action center in the Mission.

Non-perishable foods in high demand include:
1.  protein bars
2.  fruit or applesauce cups
3.  juice boxes and aseptic milk boxes
4.  trail mix packets. (nuts + dried...

SJLA Update March 21, 2024

03/19/2024 03:31:28 PM


Rabbi Me'irah Iliinsky

There was so much enthusiasm after Rabbi David Teutsch’s presentation, that we want to carry that forward. Think about it. EVERYONE dies! All of us will have fatally ill family members, and all of us, eventually, will need to face our own deaths. Rabbi Faryn and I are discussing the SJLA forming an on-going group to discuss these issues.  Please write to and let me know what topics you want to learn about if...Read more...

A Jewish-Living Art: Welcoming

03/12/2024 03:21:31 PM


Rabbi Me'irah Iliinsky

One of my very favorite verses in the Torah is Exodus 23:9

A stranger you will not oppress, for you know the heart of the stranger, as you were strangers in the land of Egypt. 

We have this value of not oppressing the stranger repeated several times throughout the Torah, but in this instance, we are offered such beautiful reasoning and articulation, really, of the essence of compassion and empathy: You know the heart of...Read more...

Parshat Miketz Drash

12/21/2023 11:31:41 AM


Rabbi Faryn Borella

December 15, 2023

This week, I had a dream. I found myself in a parallel universe, where every few hours, a giant tidal wave would rise up, and wash over the entirety of this human society. I found this tidal wave terrifying, destructive, a force for total annihilation. But I was surprised to discover that this society I found myself in had adapted to the tidal wave. They had somehow built a world where the tidal wave would wash over...Read more...

Summons by Aurora Levins Morales

11/06/2023 01:31:58 PM


Last night I dreamed
ten thousand grandmothers
from the twelve hundred corners of the earth
walked out into the gap
one breath deep
between the bullet and the flesh
between the bomb and the family.

They told me we cannot wait for governments.
There are no peacekeepers boarding planes.
There are no leaders who dare to say
every life is precious, so it will have to be us.


Vayera Drash 5784

11/05/2023 01:14:16 PM


Rabbi Faryn

Rabbi Faryn's Drash from Shabbat services on November 3, 2023.

Trigger Warning: This drash, given the moment we find ourselves in in both contemporary time and Torah time, necessarily discusses the ongoing violence in Israel and Palestine, including specific losses I have experienced. Please take care of yourself as you need during this drash. The first half will...Read more...

A Message from Board President Matt Rudoff

10/19/2023 01:28:53 PM


Matt Rudoff

The Or Shalom Jewish Community Board of Directors has voted to have Or Shalom sign on to the Synagogues Rising letter to President Biden and Congress, calling for a diplomatic resolution to the situation in Gaza. This letter reads:

“We are grieving the horrific, violent and terrifying attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians. A grief of this magnitude can unleash a powerful drive for revenge. Our Jewish values ask...Read more...

Calling All Wise Hearted Men and Women

10/17/2023 03:05:35 PM


Rabbi Me'irah Iliinsky

I spoke with Rabbi Faryn and we want to establish a Crafters Guild to glorify our services and our new home with beautiful ritual objects. We could paint kiddush cups, mezuzahs, seder plates, candle sticks, sew and quilt and embroider cloths for under the shabbat candles, for challah covers, for covering the Torah when it is out of the ark, (but not being read) etc. This is called Hiddur Mitzvah, the beautification of the mitzvah,...Read more...

Shabbat Services Will Now Begin At 6:00 pm

10/17/2023 11:08:28 AM


Rabbi Faryn Borella

Dear Community,

Many of us find ourselves in a time of isolation and pain. In the midst of it all, what is most important is that we come together. In community. In ritual. In food. In joy.

One of the many things that is so beautiful about Jewish tradition is the way it honors time. Jewish time is not standardized in the way our modern systems of time are. Jewish time is tied to the times of sunrise and sunset, and a Jewish...Read more...

A Response to the Community

10/13/2023 12:05:17 PM


Thank you to each and every one of you who has reached out to me, to Amy, to Matt over the last few days, sharing of what you need from Or Shalom. I am incredibly humbled to be serving as your rabbi at a time of such deep grief, heartbreak, and fear, and I know that I – that we – are falling short. How could we not be? We are only human, staring into the face of the inhumane.

What I have been both surprised and unsurprised to...

An important message from Rabbi Faryn

10/08/2023 10:31:39 AM


Rabbi Faryn

Ana Hashem Hoshia Na.
Please, Redeemer, save us.  

Ana Hashem Hatzlicha Na. 
Please, Resource, let us be well.

Ana Hashem Anaynu B’yom Koreinu.
Please, Steadfast One, Answer us on the day we call.

These are the words we cry out on Simchat Torah: a day we think of as one simply of joy, revelry, music, dance. Which it is. But it is also a day we cry out min hameitzar—from the narrow place—with...Read more...

A Letter to Rabbi Chaya from Rabbi Me'Irah

08/18/2023 10:17:22 AM


Rabbi Me'irah

This letter was originally read at our Rabbi Chaya Farewell Shabbat Service on 8/18/23

Dear Chaya,

You know that I know how difficult it is to enter a position as congregational rabbi. You are expected to live up to all the fantasies each congregant has of their ideal rabbi. You must be intelligent, a good...Read more...

Parsha Eikev

08/08/2023 01:19:07 PM


Rabbi Faryn Borella

Rabbi Faryn's Shabbat Service drash from August 4, 2023.

Close your eyes for a moment. And call to mind something you would consider miraculous. A miracle. 

What is it that you imagine?

This week’s parshah, and the book of Deuteronomy at large, tells of many miracles that the Israelites experienced during their time wandering in the desert– referred to repeatedly as ha’otot v’hamoftim– signs...Read more...

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785